The following terms and conditions ("Terms") apply to all users of this web site. If you do not agree to these terms, please do not use this site or download anything from this site. AmTRAN Technology Co., Ltd. ("AmTRAN ") reserves the right to revise the Terms and terminate/restrict your access to this site at any time without notice.
Copyright Notice
Copyright © 2021 AmTRAN Technology Co Ltd., All Rights Reserved. Unless otherwise indicated, all materials on this site are owned by AmTRAN and are protected by the copyright laws all over the world by the applicable copyright laws. You are authorized to use, download, copy or print one copy of the materials from this site on any single computer solely for your personal, non-commercial purpose unless receiving specific written permission from AmTRAN.
The trademarks, logos and service marks displayed on this site ("Trademarks") are the property of AmTRAN and their respective owners. You are not permitted to use these Trademarks without the prior written consent of AmTRAN or the respective owners. AmTRAN is a registered trademark of AmTRAN Technology Co., Ltd.
All materials provided on this site are provided "as is". AmTRAN hereby disclaims any representations or warranties (expressed or implied) of any kind, including without limitation, any warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement or other violation of rights arising from the use, accuracy or reliability of materials on this site or any sites linked to this site.
Limitation of Liability
In no event shall AmTRAN or any of its affiliates be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential, punitive damages or any damages whatsoever including without limitation, loss profits or revenues, loss or damage to data arising out of the use or inability to use this site, or any AmTRAN products or services, damages resulting from use of or reliance on the information or materials presented on this site, whether in an action of contract or tort, even if AmTRAN has been advised of the possibility of such damages. AmTRAN does not provide any representation or warranty as to the security of this site. You acknowledge any information transmitted may be intercepted. AmTRAN does not warrant that this site or the servers which make this site available or electronic communications transmitted are free from viruses or other harmful element.
Links on this site will permit you to third party Web sites not under the control of or reviewed by AmTRAN. AmTRAN provides links to other sites solely as a convenience for you. AmTRAN does not endorse or make any representations or warranties about the contents, products or services available thereat.
The information on this site may contain certain forward-looking statements, plan and/or objectives with respect to the financial condition, results of operation and business of AmTRAN or any of its affiliate. These forward-looking statements are only predictions, are not guarantees of future performance, and are subject to risks, uncertainties, and other factors, some of which are beyond our control, and could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or forecasted in the forward-looking statements. Except as required by law, we undertake no obligation to update any forward-looking statement.
Governing Laws
These terms shall be governed by the laws of the Taiwan, excluding the choice of the law rules. Jurisdiction and venue of any actions arising out of, or relating to or in any way connected with your access and/or use of this site shall be exclusively in Taiwan Taipei District Court.
下列條款適用於所有本網站之使用者。若您不同意下列條款,請勿使用本網站或下載任 何資訊。瑞軒科技股份有限公司(下稱「瑞軒」)保留在不事先通知的情況下,隨時修 改本條款暨本網站內容並限制進出本網站之所有權利。
除另有聲明,本網站上之所有內容均為瑞軒所有,並受全世界著作權相關法令之保護。 使用、下載、重製或列印本網站上所載內容,僅供個人及非商業性用途,非經瑞軒書面 同意,不得作為其他用途。
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本網站提供之內容均以現狀為準,瑞軒在此明文排除任何明示或默示之聲明與擔保,包 括不限於,任何可商品化、適合特定用途或未侵害權利等擔保,或因本網站或與本網站 連結之網站內容之使用、正確性或可靠性等產生之權利侵害。
縱使瑞軒已被告知損害發生之可能性,無論在何種狀況下,不論係以契約或侵權為基礎 起訴,瑞軒或其關係企業均不負擔任何直接、間接、特殊、偶發或附隨、懲罰性損害賠 償責任,包括不限於,利潤或收益損失、因使用或無法使用本網站內容或任何瑞軒產品 或服務所生損害或損失,或因使用或信賴本網站內容所生損害。
瑞軒並未就本網站安全性提供任何聲明或擔保。使用者應認知任何傳送資訊可能遭攔截 。瑞軒並不擔保本網站、提供本網站的伺服器,或瑞軒傳送的電子郵件絕無病毒或其他 有害的成份。
本網站可能提供非瑞軒所能控制或審查之網站連結。瑞軒提供此類連結純粹為了方便使 用者。瑞軒對於連結網站上之內容、產品或服務並不作背書或任何聲明擔保。
本網站資料可能含有瑞軒或其關係企業財務狀況、營運成果與業務預測性陳述、計畫或/ 及目標。由於預測性陳述僅係預測,不擔保將來一定實現,且結果取決於風險性與不確 定性及其他瑞軒無法控制之因素,因此可能會導致實際結果和這些預測性陳述所稱或預 測的不同。除法律要求外,瑞軒並無義務更新任何預測性陳述。
本使用條款之準據法為中華民國法律,並排除其國際私法之適用。因使用或進入本網站 而發生任何訴訟應由台灣台北地方法院專屬管轄。
AmTRAN Technology Co., Ltd. and its affiliates (collectively referred as “We” or “AmTRAN”) respect and protect your personal information and this Privacy Statement will help you to understand what data we collect, why we collect and how we protect your personal information.
This Privacy Statement applies to all website or online application that refer to or link to this Privacy Statement.
Collection of Personal Information
You may be required to provide personal information or others may provide your personal information to us, such as name, address, email address, phone number or other contact information by registering a website account in order to use certain services, to locate product information, to purchase products/services, or to seek assistance at this Website. You may choose whether or not to provide certain personal information to us; however, if you do not provide some required personal information, you may not be able to use or obtain the products/services on this Website. In addition, when you visit our website, we may collect certain personal information by automated means, such as cookies and web beacons. The personal information we collect in this manner includes IP address, browser characteristics, device characteristics, operating system, language preferences, referring URLs, information on actions taken on our website, and dates and times of website visits.
Purpose of Processing Personal Information
Any personal information AmTRAN collects from you or others is used to respond to your inquiries, to send you materials and products, to provide services you request, to provide after-sales service related to the products or services, to provide you with information about products or services, promotions, special offers and other information related to our products or services, to provide you with personalized experience in using this Website, to maintain or upgrade the quality of this Website and the services provided at this Website, or to assess and analyze our market, users, customers, products and services (collectively the “Purpose”).
Sharing of Information
AmTRAN will not release your personal information to any irrelevant third party; however, we may provide such information to AmTRAN’s affiliates, contractors, distributors or agents to the extent necessary to carry out the Purpose.
AmTRAN also reserves the right to disclose such information to a third party if AmTRAN considers any of the following conditions to exist: (1) such disclosure is required by law; (2) such disclosure is required to comply with legal processes or governmental requests; (3) such disclosure is to prevent, investigate, detect, or prosecute criminal offences or attacks on the website; (4) such disclosure is required to protect the rights, property, or safety of AmTRAN and the users of this Website; or (5) such disclosure would serve to protect public interest.
International Transfer
We may transfer personal information we collect about you to countries other than the country in which the personal information originally was collected. Those countries may not have the same data protection laws as the country in which you initially provided the personal information. When we transfer your personal information to other countries, we will protect that personal information as described in this Privacy Statement to offer an adequate level of data protection.
Exercise the Rights
You may exercise the following rights: (1) rights of inquiry and request for a review of the personal information; (2) rights to make requests for duplications; (3) rights to make supplements or corrections(rectification); (4) rights to request discontinuation or restriction of collection, processing or use of personal information; (5) rights to request deletion of personal information; (6) rights to withdraw your consent any times; (7) rights of data portability; and (8) rights to lodge your complaint ("Exercise the Rights"). AmTRAN may not take action, however, on your request for exercising your right, if the applicable law stipulates AmTRAN is entitled not to do so. Any exercise of your rights as listed above will result in your not being able to purchase or obtain products or services from AmTRAN, to the extent that the Purposes specified herein cannot be attained.
The Retention of Personal Information
You agree that AmTRAN may process and use your personal information via proper means in Taiwan and other countries within the Purposes specified above, and that AmTRAN may retain your personal information (i) only for as long as is considered necessary for the Purpose for which it was collected (including as required by applicable law or regulation), (ii) until you withdraw your consent for us to do so, or (iii) until AmTRAN ceases to provide products and services to you.
Use of Cookies
This Website may send a cookie (a small text file) to your computer in order to facilitate your use of this Website. If you do not wish to receive cookies, you may reset your Internet browser to block all cookies. You may also configure your Internet browser so that you receive a warning before a cookie is stored.
The AmTRAN web server automatically records information incidental to your use of this Website, including but not limited to the name of the domain and host from which you access the Internet, the Internet Protocol (IP) address of the computer you are using, the date and time you access this Website, and the Internet address of the website from which you linked directly to this Website. AmTRAN uses the aforementioned information to track aggregate traffic patterns throughout this Website.
AmTRAN will apply appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure the security of your personal information and to avoid your personal information be destructed, lost or unauthorized disclosed or access.
Despite our efforts to protect your Personal Information, there is an inherent risk of encountering an unexpected security breach in any modern day computing environment. In the event of a security breach, if our investigations indicate that there could be significant harm to you as a result of such unauthorized access or disclosure of your Personal Information, we will promptly notify you and the proper authorities if required by law. We also encourage you to take precautions to protect your Personal Information when you are online. Create strong passwords by using a combination of letters and numbers, change passwords often, and use a secure browser.
We do not direct this website to nor do we knowingly collect any personal information from minor(s). If you are a minor in your country of residence, you are specifically requested to NOT provide any personal information through this website. If you become aware that a minor has provided us with personal information without parental consent, please contact us at [email protected]. If we become aware that a child under 13 has provided us with personal information, we take commercially reasonable steps to remove such information to the extent required by applicable law.
This Privacy Statement may be amended from time to time.
If we decide to change the Privacy Statement, we will post the revised statement on this page. The revised Privacy Statement will supersede and replace any previous privacy statements effective as of the date on which the revised statement is posted. Your continued use of the AmTRAN Services after such change represents and confirms your consent and agreement to any such changes.
Contact Us
If you have comments or questions or wish to Exercise the Rights, you can email us or send us mail at the address below. Please include your contact information and a detailed description of your request or privacy concern.
AmTRAN Technology Co., Ltd. 17F, No. 268, Lian Chen Rd., Jhonghe District, New Taipei City, 23553 Taiwan [email protected]
當您想要使用本網站所提供的特定服務、搜尋瑞軒產品資料或需要產品相關協助時,我們 可能需要您提供例如姓名、郵寄地址、電子郵件地址及其他連絡資訊等可識別您的身份的 個人資料。您得自由選擇是否提供個人資料給我們,但若您決定不提供特定的個人資料時 ,您可能無法使用或取得瑞軒相關產品及服務。除此之外,當您瀏覽本網站時,我們會以 自動化的方式蒐集您的個人資料,例如:透過Cookie或網站信標(Web beacon)等,以這種方 式所蒐集的個人資料,包含:網際網路協定位址(IP address)、瀏覽器類型與設定、語言偏好 選項、使用本網站的日期和時間、URLs…等等。
本網站所蒐集之個人資訊乃用來回覆您的詢問、提供您所要求之資料、寄送商品、提供商 品/服務之售後服務、兌換贈品、進行各類行銷活動、分析評估瑞軒的市場、使用者、客戶 、產品與服務、為您提供個人化網站服務、及協助本公司維持並提昇本網站及其所提供服 務之品質(以下統稱「使用目的」)。
如瑞軒認為下列任何情況發生時,瑞軒並保留得揭露您個人資料予第三人之權利:(1)法令要求;(2)為遵循法律程序或政府要求;(3)為防止、調查、偵測及追訴犯罪行為或對於本網站之攻擊; (4)為保護本公司之權利、財產及安全,以及網站使用者;及(5)為公共利益。
我們向您蒐集到的個人資料可能會在您所在國家以外之國家進行儲存或處理,其資料保護 和法律可能不像您所在國家的保護程度。您同意我們得移轉、儲存、運用您的個人資料至 其他國家。將您的個人資料跨境傳輸時,我們會遵循本隱私權政策來保護您的個人資料。
您可向瑞軒行使以下權利:(1)查詢或請求閱覽。(2)請求製給複製本。(3)請求補充或更正 。(4)請求停止蒐集、處理及利用。(5)請求刪除。(6)撤銷同意。(7)提出申訴 (下稱「行使 權利」);惟瑞軒得於法令所允許之範圍內,限制您的部份權利。您如不提供個人資料、 或不提供正確之個人資料、或行使前項所指之請求停止蒐集、處理、利用及刪除權利,導 致本公司無法實施前述之特定目的行為時,將無法取得本公司所提供之商品或服務。
您同意我們於使用目的之必要期間內保留您的資料,除非必要或法律規定可保留更長的期 間。您亦可透過聯絡我們與我們提出需求以刪除瑞軒所蒐集的您的個人資料。當瑞軒對您 停止服務時,將刪除自您蒐集到的個人資料。
儘管我們努力保護您的個人資訊,但在任何現代電腦環境中,都存在著遭遇意外安全性漏 洞的固有風險。當發生安全性漏洞時,如果我們的調查表明,此種未經授權訪問存取或揭 露您的個人資訊可能會對您的合法利益造成重大傷害時,我們將在法律要求的情況下及時 通知您和相關機構。我們也鼓勵您在使用網路時,採取預防措施保護您的個人資訊,如使 用字母和數字組合創建強式密碼,經常更改密碼,使用安全的瀏覽器。
我們無意蒐集未成年人的個人資料。若您在居住國屬於未成年人,請勿提供個人資料予我 們。若您發現未成年人,在未得父母親同意的情況下,提供了個人資料給我們,請連繫我 們([email protected])。若我們發現任何未滿十三歲之人,在未得父母親同意的情況 下,提供了個人資料給我們,我們將依法移除這些個人資料。
如果我們決定修改我們的隱私權聲明,我們將在本頁面上發佈修改後的聲明。修改後的隱 私權聲明將取代任何既往的隱私權聲明,並自修改後的隱私權聲明發佈之日起生效。若您 在該變更後繼續使用瑞軒科技的服務,即表示您同意所有修改。
如果您有任何問題、想要修改您的個人資料、或終止接受瑞軒所傳送的資料、或從瑞軒資 料庫中移除個人資料、或行使權利,可以通過電子郵件向我們發送郵件或通過以下地址向 我們寄送信函。請在信件中提供您的聯繫資訊,並對您的要求或隱私問題進行詳細說明。
瑞軒科技股份有限公司 23553 新北市中和區連城路268號17樓 [email protected]